Corcovado Hike (part 2)

Costa Rica, April 10-20

Arriving in our hotel in San José, minus one bag that stayed behind in Bogota but luckily made it the next day, we realized that so far none of the hotel rooms we stayed in had a window or proper lights. Maybe should start showing windows as room feature? As our airline got grounded due to security concerns, we rented a car and drove all the way from San José to Puerto Jiménez. Which was a nice way to see the country and only took about 7h, the last 3h unfortunately in pouring rain. From Puerto, we started our 3 days trek with Milton, our superb guide from OSA Wild into the Corcovado National Park. Day 1 & 3 were mainly hiking, approx. 20 km per day, through the rainforest and along the beach. It’s a very beautiful hike, not too challenging beside the 1h walk on the beach in full sun. Day 2 was the main wildlife day, with both nights spent in the lovely Sirena Ranger Station campsite. We got to see howler, spider and squirrel monkeys, snakes, lots of birds and best, tapirs! They are not too afraid of humans, so we could get close to them while they ate, slept, took a bath, slept… After the hike we spent a full day in Carate Beach to relax and watch the many Scarlet Macaws gathering in the almond trees around our hotel.

